Cambodia Relief Mission 2006

Cambodia Relief Mission 07

“ Help each other in good deeds and in piety” (5:2)
“O belivers! Spend of the good things from your earnings, and of that which we have produced for you from the earth”
“Those who spend their wealth in the path of Allah by night and by day, secretly and openly, for them is their reward with their sustainer. There is neither fear on them nor shall they grieve”

Friday, 8 June 2007


The Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia (IMAM) was established in Malaysia in 1990 and acts as a professional organization that comprises of medics, paramedics and medical students, which carries out Islamic oriented medical works. Members have participated actively in medical and welfare services in war torn Iraq, Bosnia, Chechnya, Maluku and more recently in Afghanistan, Iran and Sudan. In unison with the Federation of Islamic Medical Association (FIMA) and MERCY Malaysia, medical aid and relief has been targeted to various areas of calamity.

A branch was then established in United Kingdom with the aim of gathering practicing Malaysian medical professionals and students in United Kingdom & Ireland under one roof. Exclusively for the students, a student chapter was set up in both United Kingdom & Ireland offering various medical related activities and programmes.

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